Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.IO
Module modFungsi
Public result As String
Public cmd As New MySqlCommand
Public cmd2 As New MySqlCommand
Public Sub DeleteFile(namaFile As String)
If File.Exists(namaFile) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub LogValidasi(Lv As ListView, kode As String, nama As String, err As String)
Dim ls As New ListViewItem()
End Sub
Public Sub SimpanValidasi(id As String, kode As String, nama As String, err As String)
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "INSERT INTO temp_slik_error SET " & _
"temp_id = '" & id & "', temp_kode = '" & kode & _
"', temp_nama = '" & nama & "', temp_error = '" & err & "'"
With cmd2
.Connection = conn
.CommandTimeout = 0
.CommandText = strSql
'execute the data
End With
result = cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Function TimeDifCalc(d1 As DateTime, d2 As DateTime)
d1 = DateTime.Parse(d1)
d2 = DateTime.Parse(d2)
Dim difference As TimeSpan = d2 - d1
'round down total hours to integer'
Dim hours = Math.Floor(difference.TotalHours)
Dim minutes = Math.Abs(difference.Minutes)
Dim seconds = difference.Seconds
Dim timeleft As String = Format(hours, "00") + " h " + Format(minutes, "00") + " m " + Format(seconds, "00") + " s "
If Int(seconds) < 0 Then
timeleft = "00 h 00 m 00 s (Time Out)"
End If
Return timeleft
End Function
Function LastDayOfMonth(aDate As DateTime) As Date
Return New DateTime(aDate.Year, _
aDate.Month, _
DateTime.DaysInMonth(aDate.Year, aDate.Month))
End Function
Sub PesanHapus()
MsgBox("Data telah dihapus", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Application.ProductName)
End Sub
Sub PesanSimpan()
MsgBox("Data telah disimpan", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Application.ProductName)
End Sub
Function strReplace(str As String, vOld As String, vNew As String)
str = str.Replace(vOld, vNew)
Return str
End Function
Function strReplaceKolek(str As String)
On Error Resume Next
str = str.Replace("L", "1")
str = str.Replace("KL", "3")
str = str.Replace("D", "4")
str = str.Replace("M", "5")
Return str
End Function
Function strReplaceBadan(str As String)
On Error Resume Next
str = str.Replace("PT", "")
str = str.Replace("KOPERASI", "")
str = str.Replace("CV", "")
str = str.Replace("UD", "")
str = str.Replace(".", "")
str = str.Replace("-", "")
Return str
End Function
Function strReplaceSlik(str As String)
On Error Resume Next
If Len(str) > 0 Then
str = str.Replace(".", "")
str = str.Replace(",", "")
str = str.Replace(":", "")
str = str.Replace(";", "")
str = str.Replace("-", "")
str = str.Replace("/", "")
str = str.Replace("\", "")
str = str.Replace("?", "")
str = str.Replace("+", "")
str = str.Replace("_", "")
str = str.Replace(" ", "")
str = str.Replace(" ", "")
str = str.Replace("'", "")
str = str.Replace("*", "")
str = str.Replace("**", "")
str = str.Replace("***", "")
str = str.Replace("****", "")
End If
Return str
End Function
Function tbPersen(oText As TextBox)
oText.Text = fDesimal(oText.Text)
oText.Select(oText.Text.Length, 0)
Return oText.Text
End Function
Function tbRupiah(oText As TextBox)
oText.Text = fRupiah(oText.Text)
oText.Select(oText.Text.Length, 0)
Return oText.Text
End Function
Function fDbDesimal(byText As String)
Dim angka As String
angka = Replace(byText, ",", ".")
Return angka
End Function
Function fDesimal(byText As Decimal)
Dim angka As String
angka = Format(byText, "#,##0.#0")
Return angka
End Function
Function fInteger(ByVal byText As Integer)
Dim angka As Integer
angka = Convert.ToInt32(angka)
Return angka
End Function
Function fRupiah(byText As Double)
Dim angka As String
angka = Format(byText, "#,##0")
Return angka
End Function
Function fDbRupiah(byText As String)
Dim angka As String
angka = Replace(byText, ".", "")
Return angka
End Function
Function FormatTglDb(ByVal byText As Date)
Dim tanggal As String
tanggal = Format(byText, "yyyy-MM-dd")
Return tanggal
End Function
Function FormatTgl(byText As Date)
Dim tanggal As String
tanggal = Format(byText, "dd-MM-yyyy")
Return tanggal
End Function
Public Sub ClearTB(frm As Form)
For Each Control In frm.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then Control.Text = ""
If TypeOf Control Is ComboBox Then Control.text = ""
If TypeOf Control Is Date Then Control.value = Now
Next Control
End Sub
Function sLeft(ByVal Str As String, ByVal Len1 As Integer)
Str = Left(Str, Len1)
Return Str
End Function
Function sMid(ByVal Val As String, ByVal Len As Integer)
Return Val.Substring(Val.Length / 2 - Len / 2, Len)
End Function
Function sRight(ByVal Val As String, ByVal Len As Integer)
Return Val.Substring(Val.Length - Len, Len)
End Function
'Fungsi split string
'Tanggal : 13-08-2016
Function SplitText(ByVal text As String, ByVal limiter As String, ByVal ke As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Return Split(text, Trim(limiter))(ke)
End Function
End Module
Kumpulan Fungsi Manipulasi String
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